We find ourselves packing up arround 7pm that day. The anxiety was starting to take control of the situation and some small discussions about what should be in our packs became a big deal. We were trying to carry as less weight as possible, but we wanted to be safe and have everything we could need for an emergency situation. Climbing Lanin´s South face in one long continous effort, can be somehow very demanding and quiet dangerous.
Lanin Volcano is settled at the border between Chile and Argentina, in northen Patagonia. It is one of the highest volcanos arround the area, with it´s summit at 3.776 mts over sea level and to get to it, you got to negotiate 2.700 mts of rough terrain.

It was early october and we were rock climbing at a local crag. Ramiro showed up and asked me if i would like to go climb Lanin East face in a single push. I´ve done that one before, so i suggested going to the south face, wich i have never climbed, and he said yes, but let´s do it in a day. Cool, let´s do it, i answered.

The idea was to start climbing arround 10pm. We would go light, but we wouldn´t sacrifice safety and we would bring our skis.

throught the woods, till we finally got to the snow and were able to start skinning. Six hours after leaving the car, we were at the Colada Mazzoldi. The sky was turning red and even though it was freezing, we knew the sun would be out soon and would give us at least one or two hours of heat. At that point we took a 20 minute break and had some breakfast. Quickly we geared up and roped up and started negotiating wich we knew it would be the crux of the day. Ice conditions were not the best, but with great team work, three hours later we found ourselves at the glacier. This section is not hard, but after 9/10 hours of non stop going, it could be pretty desmotivating just looking up and realizing how much you still have to go and it sure was the hardest section for our minds.

It sincerely was a great experience that prove to our mind many things. I belive that the partners i had were a key part of our success. Thank you team.
Enjoy the pictures and video at the following link:
Hi, great pictures and good tips to climb in Lanin volcano. For its slopes and excellent snow, its also the location of one of the best ski resorts or Argentina, which combines extreme sports with wonferful landscapes of Lanin volcano and also Lacar lake. Regards!